
How long will it take for your smile to change?

InBrace Lingual Braces Huntington NY

That’s one of the things we talk about during your first, FREE consultation.  We’ll take digital images of your teeth and jaw, along with a discussion about your special concerns.

How long it takes depends on a few things:

  • The type of treatment you choose – braces, or Invisalign.
  • Orthodontic acceleration is the use of innovative technology to minimize time in braces. Propel VPro+, Acceledent or OrthoPulse are a few that we recommend for our patients.
  • Your compliance level – Invisalign does require you to wear the invisible trays for a certain number of hours per day. Not wearing them will mean it takes longer.
  • Wearing a retainer – after braces come off, or after you complete treatment with Invisalign, you still need to wear a retainer to maintain your spectacular smile.

What are your unique dental challenges? That’s something else we’ll cover in your initial free consultation. Do you have teeth that are severely crooked, or just a few trouble spots? Are your jaw bones large enough to accommodate all of your teeth, or do you need an oral surgery before treatment can get started?

Nothing builds confidence like a great smile. Kids and adults do better when they can smile, laugh and speak in public knowing that their smile looks great. It’s the best holiday gift  – whether you are giving it to yourself or your children.

Call or text our office today or make an appointment online – we’re looking forward to seeing you!