
Pediatric and Adult Airway Network of New York – May 9 Presentation

For the past two years, I’ve been proud to be a board member of PAANNY, an organization devoted to educating dentists, pediatricians, doctors, speech pathologists, oral facial myologists, speech therapists and others in related medical professions about the role of early orthodontic intervention in the treatment of sleep apnea and similar disorders.

My involvement with PAANNY began when my colleagues and I began taking a closer look into the problems that sleep apnea present to our younger patients, and the role that orthodontists can play in alleviating this extremely common problem. Very often parents hear their children snoring and don’t realize that snoring is a result of a partially blocked airway that can lead to other, more serious problems for a child. By widening the airways, the effects of sleep apnea – chronic fatigue, behavioral problems and stress on the child’s cardiovascular system —can be alleviated in a relatively non-invasive manner.

This year, I’m pleased to share the news that PANNY is presenting an event on May 9 that will feature leading speakers and experts. The event starts with a series of “TED” style talks, followed by a cocktail reception and dinner featuring speaker Maigrianna Evans DMD, at the University of Pennsylvania Department of Orthodontics and developed several orthopedic and plastic surgical techniques within her specialties. She frequently lectures on orthodontics, periodontics and dental implants both within the United States and around the world.
If you have any questions about pediatric or adult airway health, please feel free to call me at the office at (631) 427-8444 for an appointment for a free consultation. Sleep apnea can be addressed through orthodontic treatment, especially in children.