
Gellerman Orthodontics Presents Dental Hygiene Presentations to Area Schools

February is National Children’s Dental Health Month — a great month to talk about the importance of good dental health for children.  Starting early with good dental health habits make a big difference for children in their health and in their school attendance. That’s the message Dr. Inna Gellerman and the Gellerman Orthodontics team members are bringing to area schools, with a fun presentation that teaches children how to care for their teeth and learn good health habits early.

By teaching children early about the importance of good dental hygiene, and reinforcing it with a fun story, they are more likely to take good care of their smiles. We know that a healthy smile is an indicator of overall health and self-care, so these skills are quite important for children to learn now, so they continue to care for their smiles for years to come.  Research has also shown that children with poor oral health are more likely to experience dental pain and miss school than their peers, which can have an impact on their grades. And when they are in class, pain or low self-esteem relating to dental issues can cause children to be distracted from schoolwork.  So regular brushing, flossing and a healthy diet have many benefits for children (and adults).

According to the American Association of Orthodontists, children should have an orthodontic check up by the time they are seven to evaluate their mouths and jaws and make sure that their teeth are coming in correctly. At this time, most children have at least eight permanent teeth – four molars and four incisors. Most children don’t need treatment at this time, and it’s a quick (and free) visit.

The orthodontist will be able to tell if a child’s jaw may not be big enough to fit all of the permanent teeth that are coming in. There are several appliances that can widen the jaw when the child is younger, avoiding the need for teeth extraction later on. Make no mistake about it: orthodontists, parents and patients prefer to avoid having teeth extracted.

For information on our visits to area schools, or to schedule a school visit during or after National Dental Health Month, the community is invited to call (631) 427-8444. The Gellerman Orthodontics team will be happy to schedule a visit.