
Happy Anniversary Gellerman Orthodontics!!

Gellerman Orthodontics opened its doors in Huntington with a vision of an orthodontic practice where patients and family members were treated with the greatest care in a comfortable setting with the very latest in orthodontic technology from a practice that was dedicated to the community.Fifteen years later, that vision is a daily reality.

We are so grateful to the families, friends and colleagues that have become part of our practice in the last fifteen years. Our success is because of our shared commitment to the highest quality in orthodontic service and to making our community a better place.

Gellerman Orthodontics team members continue to advance their own knowledge, attending clinical education programs throughout the year. Training is always on-going, from lunch and learn programs in the office to workshops held at venues across the country. As the science of orthodontics improves and changes, we’re making the investment in the future, for our patients and for our practice.

Our dedication to the community is well known, and we have a full calendar of educational and fundraising activities. This week we brought decorated pumpkins to Huntington Hospital to add some Halloween cheer to patients and staff. Last week, we were part of Pink Aid, a local organization that raises funds to help breast cancer patients. In a few weeks, we’ll be bringing Christmas trees to area schools to decorate, and then donating them to a nonprofit that could use a little holiday cheer.

We know that our patients have many choices when it comes to caring for their smiles. We believe that our patients value the quality of care we provide, as well as our commitment to the community. We’re looking forward to the next fifteen years!!